2017 Workshops
Assessement Academy Fall 2017 Workshops
Strategies for Effectively and Efficiently Assessing Student Writing
Workshop objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify and implement strategies for giving students meaningful and useful feedback on their writing. Participants will gain an understanding of how to prioritize what type of feedback and how much feedback to give to students on their writing.
- Understand how to effectively develop and use rubrics to assess student writing.
- Understand the pedagogical value in offering students frequent writing opportunities and frequent feedback on their writing.
- Be able to identify strategies for introducing more writing into courses taught, without creating an undue grading burden on the instructor.
Writing SMARTA Student Learning Outcomes
Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Compose appropriate student learning outcome statements
- Explain the differences between course and program outcomes
- Contrast levels of student learning outcomes
- Apply S.M.A.R.T.A. criteria to outcome statements
Classroom Assessment Techniques: Assessing Prior Knowledge, Recall and Understanding
Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify common techniques for assessing prior knowledge
- Incorporate classroom assessment feedback to improve teaching and learning
Thinking Strategically: Planning and Prioritizing for the Academic Year
Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Use existing data to prioritize strategic objectives
- Develop criteria for prioritizing strategic objectives
Smooth Transitions to Making Program Modifications or Expansions
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Recognize the practices that have SACSCOC implications.
- Recognize the Substantive Change compliance processes, actions, and time frames.
- Recognize where to locate resources if support is needed.
Classroom Assessment Techniques: Assessing Attitudes, Values and Self-Awareness
Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify techniques for assessing attitudes and values
- Incorporate assessment feedback in course to improve teaching and learning
Introduction to Compliance Assist for New Faculty/Staff
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Navigate the system and find their departmental data
- Enter and update strategic planning updates of goals and objectives
- Enter and update student learning outcomes
- Print basic summary reports
Developing a Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan and Report
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will:
- Understand the elements of a Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan and Report, analytic rubrics, and curriculum maps.
Advanced Data Reporting Using Compliance Assist
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Print reports which reveal specific elements of a strategic plan (i.e. all objectives that are on hold, behind, discontinued etc.)
- Print reports that only reflect certain elements of the template (print only the results and use of results for a given objective, etc.)
- Use Excel to create scorecards and other useful workbooks for reporting and processing strategic planning and SLO data
Evaluating the Continuous Improvement Process within Your Department
Workshop Objectives: This workshop will cover:
- Basics of SACS accreditation and the current expectations;
- Best practices for developing and assessing Student Learning Outcomes (SLO);
- A case study that details the continuous improvement process in the College of Engineering and how Civil Engineering updated and improved their own process.
Developing Curriculum Maps
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will:
- Understand the purpose of a curriculum map and be able to create and use one
A Simple Framework for Conducting a Program Review
Workshop Objectives: after this session, participants will:
- Understand the phases and timeline of program review and become familiar with the key components of a self-study
- Review steps and plans to organize an effective site visit (if applicable), and organize a departmental response to the report (action plan)
Assessment Academy Spring 2017 Workshops
Thinking Strategically: Using Measures, Metrics and Data to Support Strategic Goals
Workshop Objectives: After this session, participants will be able to do the following:
- Identify measures and metrics for annual reporting of progress on strategic goals.
- Align unit objectives with college and university goals
Aligning course objectives, instructional strategies, & assessments to enhance student learning & motivation
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will understand
- The value of explicitly connecting student learning objectives, instructional activities, and assessments in enhancing student learning.
- How to align student learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments for a course topic of their choice.
Using Assessment Data to Improve Student Learning
Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will understand:
- How to use assessment data in conjunction with analytic rubrics and curriculum maps to improve student learning.
Creating Analytic Rubrics
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will:
- understand the purpose of an analytic rubric and be able to create and use one.
Compliance Assist Workshop – Entering Student Learning Outcomes Data and Annual Reporting
Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Simplify the assessment and accreditation activities of their respective departments with our new centralized assessment planning, management and reporting system, Compliance Assist.
- Enter their own data or sample data to complete a Strategic Plan and Annual Report in the new system.
Compliance Assist Workshop – Reporting Functions
Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Use the new system to run reports which reflect the strategic plan summaries, metrics, measures, and results for their respective departments.
- Create ad hoc reports to filter and sort data for specific reporting needs of a department
Open Lab – Entering SLOs and Annual Reporting Data
***It is recommended to attend the Compliance Assist workshops prior to registering for Open Lab, but anyone is welcome.***