Office CV

The office CV highlights our published works, conference presentations, invited talks, and grant awards.


  1. Banks, G. C., Rasmussen, L. M., Tonidandel, S., Pollack, J. M., Hausfeld, M. M., Williams, C., Albritton, B. H., Allen, J. A., Bastardoz, N., Batchelor, J. H., Bennett, A. A., Briker, R., Castille, C. M., De Jong, B. A., Demeter, E., DeSimone, J. A., Field, J. G., Figueroa-Armijos, M., Fernanda Garcia, M., … Yang, T. (2025). Women’s and Men’s Authorship Experiences: A Prospective Meta-Analysis. Journal of Management, 0(0).
  1. Holladay-Sandidge, H., Rasmussen L., McBride, A., Demeter, E., Banks, G., Hall-Hertel, K. (2024). Designing engaging content on academic authorship for graduate students. Teaching Ethics, Special Issue. DOI:  10.5840/tej202463151.
  1. Alexander, L.C., Demeter, E., Hall-Hertel, K., & Rasmussen, LM. (2023). Developing Faculty Research Mentors: Influence of Experience with Diverse Mentees, Gender, and Mentorship Training. Accountability in Research.
  2. Rasmussen, L.M., Banks, G., Demeter, E. et al. Authorship agreements benefit researchers and research culture. Nature Human Behavior (2023).
  3. Rasmussen, L. M., Holladay-Sandidge, H. D., Demeter, E., Banks, G. C., & McBride, A. (2023). Authorship agreement. The Authorship Project. English:, Spanish:, German:, Chinese:, Farsi:, Portuguese:, Greek: This document is available in the R Shiny app at: Tonidandel, S., Banks, G.C., Rasmussen, L., Holladay-Sandidge, H., Demeter, E, and McBride, A.. Authorship agreements, R Shiny app.
  4. Mosley-Matchett, J. D. (2023). Three Approaches to Academia’s Challenge of Developing Workable AI Policies. Academic Leader
  1. Hobbs, H. and Robinson, C. (2022). Culturally relevant assessment: Examining equity gaps in assignment types. In G., Baker, G. Henning, & N. Jankowski (Eds.), Reframing Assessment to Center Equity: Theories, Models, and Practice in US Higher Education. Sterling, VA Stylus Publishing.
  2. ​Demeter, E., Dorodchi, M., Al-Hossami, E., Benedict, A., Slattery Walker, L., Smail, J. (2022). Predicting first-time-in-college students’ degree completion outcomes. Higher Education.
  3. Stitt-Bergh, M., Robinson, C., Cottenoir, M., & Morrison, J. (2022). The future of assessment and learning improvement: Equity, mindset, and scholarship. Assessment Update 34 (6).
  4. Singer-Freeman, K., Taylor, J., Hoshaw, J., & Robinson, C. (2022). Making a grand contribution – Simple ways to improve assessment of learning over time. Assessment Update 34 (5).
  1. Demeter, E. (2021, Aug 5). Reflecting on course redesign: How faculty can measure the impact of instructional changes. Association of American Colleges & Universities Liberal Education blog.
  2. Hobbs, H., Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2021). Considering the effects of assignment choices on equity gaps. Journal of Research and Practice in Assessment. 16(1), 49-62.
  3. Horst, S. J., Prendergast, C. O., Robinson, C., & Hawk, W. J. (2021, April). Ask eight key ethical questions: A strategy for incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion values into assessment planning. Emerging Dialogues in Assessment.—ask-eight-key-ethical-questions
  4. Robinson, C., Hawk, W.J., Horst, S. J., & Prendergast, C. O.(2021) Ethical reasoning and the five roles of the assessment practitioner. Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning, 2(3).
  5. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L., & Montenegro, E. (forthcoming). Models and approaches to equity in assessment. To appear in NILOA and CAS (Eds.) Assessment as Essential for Equity in Learning: Designing for Transformation. Stylus Publishing

  6. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2021). Using assessment to increase equity, innovation, and pedagogical improvements in higher education. Assessment Update, 33(6).
  7. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Note from the guest editor. Intersection: A journal at the intersection of assessment and learning. 2(3),

  8. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2021). Social sciences general education: Incorporating self-relevant academic writing using ePortfolios. In D. Kelly-Riley & E. Norbert (Eds.), Improving Outcomes: Disciplinary Writing, Local Assessment, and the Aim of Fairness. Modern Language Association: New York.

  9. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Bastone, B. (2021). Balancing the freedom to teach with the freedom to learn: The critical role for assessment and accreditation. In P. Blessinger and E. Sengupta (Eds.). Teaching and Learning Practices for Academic Freedom, Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. 34, 39-51. Emerald Group Publishing ISSN: 2055-3641/doi:10.1108/S2055-364120200000034005

  10. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Smith, J., Fitzgerald, S., & Robinson, C. (2021). Learning from students: Increasing agency and improving assessment. Assessment Update. 33(3), 6-14.

  11. Stephan, M., Register, J., Reinke, L., Robinson, C., Pugalenthi, P., & Pugalee, D. (May 2021). People use math as a weapon: Critical mathematics consciousness in the time of COVID-19. Educational Studies in Mathematics.

  12. Stephan, M., Register, J., Reinke, L., Pugalee, D., Crabtree, L., Robinson, C., & Pugalenthi, P. (December 2021). Ethical mathematics awareness in students’ big data decision making. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. 38
  1. Demeter, E., Robinson, C., Cottenoir, M. L., Hobbs, H., Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). Silver linings from a challenging situation, Intersection, Link
  2. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2020). Grand challenges in assessment: Collective issues in need of solutions. NILOA Occasional Paper 49. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. link

  3. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2020). Grand challenges for assessment in higher education. Journal of Research and Practice in Assessment, 1-20 link

  4. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Demeter, E., Cottenoir, M. L., & Hobbs, H. (2020). Doing our part: The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Office of Assessment and Accreditation supports faculty assessment efforts during COVID-19. Assessment Update link

  5. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Cottenoir, M. (2020). The value of your curriculum map to minimize harm from emergency remote instruction. Emerging Dialogues. Link
  1. Demeter, E., Robinson, C., Frederick, J.G. (2019). Holistically assessing critical thinking and written communication learning outcomes with direct and indirect measures. Research Practices in Assessment, 14, 41-51.
  2. Hart, L. C., & Robinson, C. (2019). “From the mouths of babes”: Using a charrette model to assess student learning and engage external stakeholders. Research Practices in Assessment, 14, 18-29.
  3. Robinson, C., Sanders, C., Hobbs, H., Demeter, E., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2019). University of North Carolina at Charlotte – Using the EIA application as a catalyst for intentional improvement. Assessment Update, 31(1), 1-16.

  4. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2019). Developmental science concepts guide effective support of underrepresented STEM students. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. doi: 10.1002/bmb.21292 link

  5. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2019). Supporting persistence and identity development during applied learning experiences. Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education, 8, 59-79
  6. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2019). Increasing equity in general education through the use of self-relevant writing and culturally relevant assessment. Intersection. 24-27 link

  7. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C., (2019). Theoretical matrix of culturally relevant assessment. Assessment Update, 31(3), 1-16. link
  1. Dierker, L., Evia, J., Singer-Freeman, K., Woods, K., Zupkus, J., Arnholt, A., Moliski, E.G., Deckard, N. Gallagher, K., & Rose, J., (2018). Project-Based learning in introductory statistics: Comparing course experiences and predicting positive outcomes for students from diverse educational settings, International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning, 3(2), 52-64. Retrieved from: link
  2. Dierker, L., Flaming, K., Cooper, J., Singer-Freeman, K., Germano, K., & Rose, J., (2018), Evaluating impact: A comparison of learning experiences and outcomes of students completing a traditional versus multidisciplinary, project-based introductory statistics course. International Journal of Education, Training, and Learning, 2(1), 16-28. Retrieved from: link

  3. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2018). ePortfolio and declarations of academic self: A tale of two contexts. In B. Eynon and L. Gambino (Eds.) Catalyst in action: Case studies of high-impact ePortfolio practice. Virginia: Stylus Publishing.

  4. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2019). Supporting persistence and identity development during applied learning experiences. Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education, 8, 59-78 link
  1. Amin, T., Byker, E., Otis, S., Robinson, C., & Sanchez, C. (2017). Depth and breadth in first year programs. Prospect for success: A campus guide for developing success, inquiry and cultural awareness in first-year students. Charlotte, NC: J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
  2. Robinson, C., & Qiang, M. (2017). Using the topic model for a 30 second elevator speech about AALHE. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AAHLE) Intersection. Retrieved from
  3. Robinson, C., Frederick, J.G., Demeter, E., Pettazzoni, J., Jost, M., McNelis, E. & Soler, M. (2017). The University of North Carolina System’s adoption of the NILOA Transparency Framework. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) Assessment in Practice.

  4. Robinson, C., Demeter, E., Frederick, J.G., & Sanders, C. (2017). When the call comes, keep calm and assess on: Using the EIA Designation Rubric as a self study for improvement. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) Assessment in Practice.

  5. Robinson, C., Frederick, J.G, & Demeter, E. (2017). Assessing the assessor: A response to Fulcher & Baskov’s ‘Do We Practice What We Preach? The Accountability of an Assessment Office. Assessment Update. 29(6), 3-14.
  6. Sanchez, C., Robinson, C., Otis, S., Byker, E., & Amin, T. (2017). Challenges and future directions for prospect. Prospect for Success: A Campus Guide for Developing Success, Inquiry and Cultural Awareness in First-year Students. Charlotte, NC: J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

  7. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2017). Changing their mindsets: ePortfolios encourage application of concepts to the self. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(2), 151-160. link

Conference Workshops, Posters, and Presentations

  1. Traywick, D., Robinson, C., & George, M. (2024). TOMĀTO, TOMĂTO: Student Learning Assessment Standards in SACSCOC and HLC. Concurrent session at the UNC Accreditation and Assessment Council Meeting.
  2. Demeter, E., Rasmussen, L., Hall-Hertel, K., McBride, A., Holladay-Sandidge, H., Banks, G. (2024) Interventions to Support Healthy Authorship Practices in Research Teams. World Research Integrity Conference. Athens, Greece.
  3. Rasmussen, L., Banks, G., Hall-Hertel, K., Demeter, E., Holladay, H., McBride, A. (2024) How to Build Institutional Support for Healthy Authorship Practices and Resolution of Disputes. World Research Integrity Conference. Athens, Greece.
  4. Demeter, E., Hall-Hertel, K., McBride, A. Holladay-Sandidge, H., Rasmussen, L., Banks, G. (2024). Ensuring Equitable and Ethical Authorship Practices in Graduate Education. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
  5. Mosley-Matchett, J. (2024).  Using Generative AI to facilitate the new Federal mandates of Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment. North Carolina Association for Institutional Research (NCAIR) Conference: Institutional Innovation. Winston-Salem, NC.
  6. Mosley-Matchett, J. (2024).  Generative AI dashboard front-end for user-friendly accountability metrics. Association for Institutional Research (AIR) Forum. Denver, CO.

  1. DeKorte, J., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2023). Jumpstarting General Education Program Review: A Systems Thinking Approach to the Self-Study. Workshop  presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
  2. Singer-Freeman, K. E.,  &  Robinson, C. (2023). Using Universal Design in Assessments and Assignments to Increase Equity. Workshop presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
  3. George, M. J., Robinson, C., and Cottenoir, M. (2023). Interactive Reaffirmation Prep Sessions for the Campus Community. Pre-Conference Workshop presented at the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.
  4. Robinson, C. and George, M. J. (2023). Organizing the Institution for an Accreditation Self-Study. Workshop presented at CCPRO Annual Meeting. Raleigh, NC.
  5. Robinson, C., Langdon, H., and Hewitt, K. (2023). Institutional Effectiveness Perspectives on Strategic Planning. Concurrent session at the UNC Accreditation and Assessment Council Meeting.
  6. George, M. J., Cottenoir, M., and Robinson, C. (2023). Applying an Improvement Cycle to the Work of an Assessment Office. IUPUI Assessment Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
  7. Cottenoir, M., & Robinson, C. (2023). Taking Advantage of Unexpected Data Sources. Assessment Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
  8. Croxton, B., Robinson, C, Bastian, H., Keith-Le, J., and Stracener, N. (2023). It takes a village: Improving teaching, learning, and student success through campus inter-office Cooperation. Concurrent session presented at the UNC System Learning & Technology Symposium.
  9. Robinson, C., Langford, H., and Hewitt, K. (2023). Institutional Perspectives on Strategic Planning.  Concurrent session at the Assessment & Accreditation Council Professional Development Meeting.
  10. Bastian, H., Zuber, P., Wayland, C., Cottenoir, M. (2023). Centering Integrative Learning in Faculty Professional Developement. AAC&U Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment. Providence, RI.
  11. George, M. J. (2023). Engaging Faculty in the Assessment of Learning Improvement: A Case Study of the Scholarship of Assessment Program at UNC Charlotte. New Jersey Institute of Technology Faculty Engagement Show and Tell.
  12. Lauzon, J. and Mosley-Matchett, J. (2023).  Bridging Creativity and Accessibility: Visual Generative AI in College-Level Art Education. International Journal of Art and Design Education(iJADE) Conference. UK
  13. Demeter, E., McBride, A., Holladay-Sandidge, H., Banks, G., Hall-Hertel, K., Rasmussen, L. (2023). Educational Intervention to Support Good Authorship Practices. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Research Integrity Scholars and Educators (APPE RISE) Consortium Annual Pre-Conference Symposium. Portland, OR.
  14. Holly Holladay-Sandidge, H., Rasmussen, L., McBride, A., Demeter, E., Banks, G., Hall-Hertel, K. (2023). Shedding light on a “hidden curriculum”: Designing engaging content for online authorship training. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Research Integrity Scholars and Educators (APPE RISE) Consortium Annual Pre-Conference Symposium. Portland, OR.
  15. Mosley-Matchett, J. (2023). “Critical Conversation: Interplay of Culture, Politics, and Gender in Caribbean Higher Education Leadership: Observations, Experiences, and Lessons Learned by Three American Women.”  Concurrent session at the 2023 Women in Educational Leadership Virtual Symposium (WIELS)
  16. George, M. (2023).  “Building and Sustaining Campus-wide Engagement around Equity, Using an ADKAR Framework.” Conference Workshop. Presented at the 2023 AAC&U Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success.
  17. George, M. (2023). “Centering the Student Voice through Enhanced Student Panel Presentations.” Presented at the 2023 AAC&U Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success.
  18. George, M. (2023).  “Yes, Virginia, There Is More Discontent than Before; That Means It’s Working!” Presented at the 2023 AAC&U Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success.
  1. Robinson, C. and Singer-Freeman, K. (2022). Digital Enhancements for Common, Online Mathematics Courses. Concurrent session presented at the International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project.
  2. Plater, S. & Robinson, C. (2022). Preparing for a Compliance Review: Avoid Being Cited on Standard 14.2. Concurrent session presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.​
  3. Demeter, E., Dorodchi, M., Al-Hossami, E., Benedict, A., Slattery Walker, L., Smail, J. (2022). Predicting first-time-in-college students’ degree completion outcomes. Higher Education
  4. Robinson, C. & Cottenoir, M. (2022). Prepping for Your 10-year Reaffirmation Using Three Guiding Questions. Concurrent session presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
  5. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Heiser, C., Hoshaw, J., Bureau, D., Taylor, J., Aaron, R., White-Goyzueta, K., & Poop, S. (2022). Implementing the Grand Challenges in Assessment Strategic Plans. Concurrent session presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
  6. Cottenoir, M., Birdsong, S., Byker, E., & Robinson, C. (2022). Faculty Learning Community on Learning Improvement. Concurrent session  presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
  7. DeKorte, J., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2022). Jumpstarting General Education Program Review: A Systems Thinking Approach to the Self-Study. Workshop  presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
  8. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2022). Using Universal Design in Assessments and Assignments to Increase Equity. Workshop presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
  9. Singer-Freeman, K. and Robinson, C. (2022). Communicating Progress: Grand Assessment Challenge Results. Beyond Multiple Choice SeminarAdvancing Public Discourse Around Assessment
  1. Singer-Freeman, K., Robinson, C., and Hobbs, H. (2021). Using universal design to increase equity in assessment of learning [Workshop]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
  2. Playter, S., Robinson, C., and Hobbs, H.  (2021). The SACSCOC Substantive change policy has been revised: What do we do next? [Concurrent Session]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
  3. DeKorte, J., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H.  (2021). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  4. Robinson, C. and Wang, R. (2021). Tightening the interdependent structure between the university-level offices, college-level offices, and faculty. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  5. Hewitt, K., Robinson, C., and Strickland, A. (2021).  Using appreciative inquiry to build collaborative leadership among assessment and accreditation leaders in a public university system. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis Annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  6. Bheda, D., Baker, G., Crocker, W., Henning, G., Jankowski, N., Lundquist, A., Montenegro, E., Saxena, M., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Road to equity in assessment [Workshop presentation]. AALHE 2021 Post-Conference E3 Learning Series, Remote.
  7. Robinson, C. & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Collaborating to meet assessment’s greatest challenges. Assessment Challenges of Our New Decade Beyond Multiple Choice Online Seminar, Remote.
  8. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Assessment of ePortfolio curricula and student ePortfolio work [Webinar presentation]. AAC&U Institute on ePortfolios, Remote
  9. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Designing assignments and assessments to increase equity and support student success [Keynote address]. University of Wisconsin, Whitewater Assessment Day, Remote
  10. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Using academic support program reviews to drive institutional improvements [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, Remote.
  11. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Assessment of ePortfolio curricula and student ePortfolio work [Webinar presentation]. IUPUI ePortfolio Community of Practice, Remote
  12. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C., (2021). Using universal design in assessments and assignments to increase equity [Workshop presentation]. Assessment Institute, Remote.  
  13. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2021). Using program reviews to improve academic support units: Lessons from an Office of Assessment and Accreditation program review [Paper presentation]. Assessment Institute, Remote.
  14. Singer-Freeman, & K. E., Robinson, C., (2021). Equity driven assessment: Simple actions to promote inclusion in assignments & assessments [Workshop presentation]. New England University, Remote.
  15. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2021). Using universal design principles to increase equity in assessments of learning [Workshop presentation]. Annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, Remote.
  16. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Hoshaw, J., Heiser, C., & Bureau, D. (2021). Grand challenges in assessment project: Updates, next steps, and an invitation to participate. Pre-Institute Bonus Session – Assessment Institute, Remote
  17. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., McCullough, H., Bastian, H., Croxton, R., Stracener, N. (2021). It takes a village: Improving campus assessment culture through inter-office cooperation [Paper presentation]. Assessment Institute, Remote.
  1. Cottenoir, M. L., & Robinson, C. (2020). Seeking improvement in general education. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
  2. Cottenoir, M. L., Robinson, C., & Demeter, E. (2020). Investigating institutional level student learning outcomes. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
  3. Cottenoir, M. L., & Robinson, C. (2020). Evidence of learning improvement in general education [Concurrent session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
  4. Cottenoir, M. L., Robinson, C., & Demeter, E. (2020). Utilizing triangulation methodology to analyze institutional-level student learning outcome [Concurrent Session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
  5. DeKorte, J., Hobbs, H. & Robinson, C. (2020). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study [Workshop]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
  6. Harver, A., Beete, D., Bowling, J., Bastian, H., & Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). If you build it they will come: Scaling an ePortfolio program tenfold [Paper presentation]. AAC&U ePortfolio Forum, Washington, D.C.
  7. Harver, A., & Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). Beyond brick and mortar: Capstone ePortfolios connect curricular and co-curricular undergraduate public health learning experiences [Paper presentation]. ASPPH Undergraduate Public Health and Global Health Education Summit, Arlington, VA.
  8. Hobbs, H. and Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Examining assignment types to unravel barriers to student success [Concurrent Session]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
  9. Hundley, S., Banta, T., Thorington-Springer, J., Howse, M., Hutchings, P., Lexow, M., Orr, V., Robinson, C., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Assessment institute welcome session [Welcome Session]. IUPUI  Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
  10. Hundley, S., Hahn, T., Kahn, S., Keith, C., Busby, K., Fulcher, K., Leventhal, B.,  Kolb, M., Singer-Freeman, K., Robinson, C., Demeter, E., Cottenoir, M., Hobbs, H., & Jankowski, N. (2020). Adapting assessment approaches in the COVID-19 era [Bonus Preview Session]. IUPUI  Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
  11. Peters, A., Richardson, S., Cottenoir, M. (2020). Ensuring delivery of quality curricula and achieving learning outcomes during times of crisis [Workshop] IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting. 
  12. Playter, S., Hobbs, H., and Robinson, C. (2020). Are we singing the same tune? Is this a substantive change? [Concurrent Session]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
  13. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020) Self-reflective assessments and rubrics for online learning [Webinar presentation]. University of North Carolina at Charlotte Center for Teaching and Learning.
  14. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Ways the grand challenges project can support tuning at your institution [Concurrent Session]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
  15. Singer-Freeman, K. E.., Hobbs, H., Robinson, C., Hoshaw, J. & Marin, A. (2020). Equity in assessment: Evidence for the importance of inclusive content and utility value in assignments and assessments [Concurrent Session]. IUPUI  Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
  16. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C., (2020). Increasing equity using evidence-based assessment [Workshop presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, Remote.
  17. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2020). Leading improvements in higher education podcast: Grand challenges in higher education assessment. Watermark.
  18. Singer-Freeman, K. E.., Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C. (2020). Improving assessments and assignments to increase equity [Workshop presentation]. IUPUI  Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
  19. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2020). Improving assessments and assignments to increase equity [Faculty workshop]. Barton College, Remote.
  20. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Kelly-Riley, D, Milligan, S, Williams, M., & Hoshaw, J. (2020). Grand challenges project: emerging plans for action [Concurrent Session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
  21. Singer-Freeman, K. E.., Robinson, C.,  Slotnick, R.,  Platt-Dear, C. Schramm-Possinger, M., & Heiser, C. (2020). Grand challenges project: emerging plans for action [Concurrent Session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
  22. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Smith, J. (2020). Why not ask the pig? Involving students in the assessment of their learning [Paper presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, Remote. link
  23. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Souza, J. M.; Jankowski, N.; Rhodes, T. (2020). Grand challenges project [Panel presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, Remote.
  1. Baham, T. N., Dechert, E., Pineda, K., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2019). Assessing assessment: Using the EIA to identify best practices [Paper presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, St. Paul, MN.
  2. Demeter, E. & Hutson, B. (2019). Assessing critical thinking at the institutional level [Paper presentation]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
  3. DeKorte, J., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H.  (2019). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  4. Demeter, E. (2019). Communicating for success: Using stop out data to motivate institutional change [Paper presentation]. Student Success Conference hosted by UNC System Office, Chapel Hill, NC. 
  5. Harver, A., & Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). Beyond brick and mortar: Capstone ePortfolios connect curricular and co-curricular undergraduate public health learning experiences [Paper submitted to be presented]. ASPPH Undergraduate Public Health and Global Health Education Summit, Arlington, VA.
  6. Harver, A., Beete, D., Bowling, J., Bastian, H., & Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). If you build it they will come: Scaling an ePortfolio program tenfold [Paper to be presented] AAC&U ePortfolio Forum, Washington, D.C.
  7. Hobbs, H., Robinson, C., & Singer-Freeman, K. (2019). Using a theoretical matrix of culturally relevant assessment to promote equity [Session presented]. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  8. Hobbs, H., Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2019). Using a theoretical matrix of culturally relevant assessment to promote equity [Paper presented]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
  9. Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., Fulcher, K., Turos, J., & Verzinski, B. (2019). Excellence in assessment designees reflect on growth. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
  10. Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2019). Criteria for good evidence of closing the loop. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  11. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2019). Supporting institutional effectiveness by maximizing reporting efforts [Paper presented]. Annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, Houston, TX
  12. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2019). Path to publication in the assessment of learning in higher education [Match Panel presented]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, St. Paul, MN
  13. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2019). Increasing equity through self-relevant ePortfolio writing [Paper presented]. Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  14. Singer-Freeman K. E. & Bastone, L. (2019). Examining the role of assessments in achievement gaps [Paper presented]. SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology, Purchase, NY.
  15. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Harver, A. (2019). Using ePortfolios to encourage integration of academic and co-curricular high impact practices [Paper presented]. North Carolina College Personnel Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
  16. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2019). Identifying the grand challenges facing assessment in higher education [Paper presented]. University of North Carolina Assessment Council, Raleigh, NC.
  17. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2019). Identifying the grand challenges facing assessment in higher education [Paper presented]. Meeting of the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, St. Paul, MN.
  18. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2019). Identifying the grand challenges facing assessment in higher education [Paper presented]. Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  19. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2019). Mining institutional data to answer assessment questions and increase grading equity [Workshop presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, St. Paul, MN.
  20. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2019). Increasing Equity Using Evidence-Based Assessment [Workshop presentation]. Drexel Assessment Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
  21. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2019). Increasing Equity Using Culturally Relevant Assessment [Workshop presentation]. Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  1. Amsel, E., Singer-Freeman, K. E., Walton, M. D., & Budwig, N. A., (2018). Developmental science and student success: Scaffolding students’ transformative experiences in higher education [Paper presentation]. AAC&U Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
  2. Demeter, E., Qiang, M., & Robinson, C. (2018). Using the topic modeling method to assess the substance of student learning outcome improvement plans [Presentation.] Association of the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
  3. Frederick, J.G., Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., Dekorte, J.  (2018). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  4. Hart, L., & Robinson, C. (2018).  From the mouths of babes: Using student stories for authentic assessment of learning [Presentation at the meeting]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), New Orleans, LA.
  5. Hobbs, H. & McNelis, E. (2018). Learning improvement assessment activity [Presentation]. UNC System Annual Assessment Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC
  6. Matthews, M., & Demeter, E. (2018). Examining the efficacy of add-on licensure coursework in academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) [Presentation]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New York, NY.
  7. Robinson, C. & Hobbs, H. (2018). Criteria for good evidence of closing the loop [Presentation at the meeting]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), New Orleans, LA.
  8. Robinson, C., Hobbs, H. & Singer-Freeman, K. (2018). Are certain types of assessment privileged? ​[Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  9. Skrivanek, J., Bastone, L. & Singer-Freeman, K.E. (2018). The use of ePortfolios in a summer research program [Presentation]. Applied Learning Conference, Tarrytown, NY.
  10. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2018). Increasing equity in general education through the use of self-relevant ePortfolio writing [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  1. Demeter, E. (2017). Preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte [Presented at the Adult Learner Convening]. UNC System General Administration, Winston-Salem, NC.
  2. Demeter, E. (2017). Integrating multiple measures to assess students’ critical thinking & written communication abilities [Presentation]. Association of the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY.
  3. Demeter, E. (2017). Preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte: Results and next steps [Webinar]. UNC System General Administration.
  4. Frederick, J.G., Mullin, J., & Robinson, C. (2017). Designed to assess: Measuring the transfer of first-year writing student learning outcomes [Presentation]. Association of American Colleges and Universities: General Education and Assessment Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. 
  5. Frederick, J.G., Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., & DeKorte, J. (2017). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  6. Hobbs, H., Knight. F., Miklaucic, S., & Moore, A. (2017). Overcoming challenges in the assessing of general education: A tale of four institutions [Presentation]. Association of General and Liberal Studies. Memphis, TN.
  7. Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C. (2017). Using the excellence in assessment designation to advance campus assessment [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  8. Jost, M., Robinson, C., & Frederick, J.G. (2017). Responding to the call for greater transparency and accountability: How did the University of North Carolina System do it? [Presentation]. Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 
  9. Robinson, C.  (2017). Where the paper trail ends – Implementing a new online assessment system [Presented at the meeting]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Dallas, TX. 
  10. Robinson, C. (2017). Engaging stakeholders and building consensus for publishing the components of the NILOA Transparency Framework [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
  11. Robinson, C., & Yount, L. (2017). Assessment and accountability at HBCUs and MSIs: Assets, opportunities, and lessons learned [Presentation]. Association of American Colleges and Universities: General Education and Assessment Meeting, Phoenix, AZ
  12. Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2017). The use of program seminars to support academic, economic, and social capital in MARC U*STAR scholars [Poster presented]. TWD Program Directors’ Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
  13. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Bastone, L., & Skrivanek, J. (2017). The use of ePortfolios to support and document academic self-efficacy and goals in bridges to the baccalaureate students [Poster presented]. TWD Program Directors’ Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
  14. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2017). Parsing the unique contributions of ePortfolio assignments [Paper presented]. New York Regional ePortfolio Conference, New York, NY.
  15. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2017). ePortfolios create better students: Similar students write and reflect more in ePortfolios [Paper presented]. AAC&U ePortfolio Forum, San Francisco, CA.

Invited Talks and Presentations

  1. Robinson, C., Singer-Freeman, K. E., Taylor J., Farrel, J.F., & Heiser. (2023). Grand Challenges in Assessment: Guiding Innovations, Improving Pedagogy, and Increasing Equity. Assessment Institute Webinar Series.
  2. Robinson, C., Hill, Y., Janio, J., Maness, H., & White-Goyzueta, K. (2024). Grand Challenges in Assessment: Directing Rapid and Equitable Improvements in Pedagogy. Assessment Institute Webinar Series.
  3. Robinson, C., Janetski, B., Bebee, C., Smith, R. & McCarthy. (2024) Grand Challenges in Assessment: Employing Data Visualization to Guide Innovation. Assessment Institute Webinar Series.
  4. Demeter, E. (2023). Authorship Policy and Authorship Agreement, talk given to UNC Charlotte Biology faculty departmental meeting.
  5. Demeter, E. (2023) How to Communicate your Research, talk given to OUR scholars.
  6. Demeter, E. (2023) Preparing for 3MT, talk for CGLL given to graduate students.
  1. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2022). Communicating Progress: Grand Assessment Challenge Results. Advancing Public Discourse Around Assessment, Beyond Multiple Choice Online Seminar.
  1. Robinson, C. & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Collaborating to Meet Assessment’s Greatest Challenges. Assessment Challenges of Our New Decade, Beyond Multiple Choice Online Seminar.
  1. Hobbs, H., Singer-Freeman, K.E., & Robinson, C. (2020). Examining assignment types to support equity in student learning [Webinar presented]. John N. Gardner Institute.
  2. Demeter, E., Sevier, J. & Boyette, J. (2020). How do you measure success? Appalachian State Support Course Summit.
  3. Demeter, E. (2020). Life of a doctor – but not that kind! [Panelist]. University of Michigan STAR Scholars Program virtual webinar.
  4. Demeter, E. (2020). Math pathways: Black male initiative. UNC System Virtual Meeting.
  5. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2020). Designing assessments of student learning to support equity. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Professional Development Series Webinar.
  6. Demeter, E. (2020). STEM communication series, fundamentals: The overview. UNC Charlotte Center for Graduate Life webinar.
  7. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2020). Use self-reflective writing to increase equity in online assessment of student learning. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Professional Development Series Webinar.
  8. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Increasing equity through self-reflective writing. On Demand Webinar for the Lindenwood University Certificate in Culturally Responsive Assessment.
  9. Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2020). Improving assessments and assignments to increase equity. On Demand Webinar for the Lindenwood University Certificate in Culturally Responsive Assessment.
  10. Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Heirs to the silence of privilege in student learning: Having uncomfortable conversations. Webinar presented to IUPUI Program Review and Assessment Committee.
  11. Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Increasing equity using evidence-based assessment. Webinar presented to UNC System Joint Tricouncil.
  12. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Designing classroom assessments to reduce inequities. Workshop presented at Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO
  13. Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C., (2020). Grand challenges and general education. Lunchtime Chat Webinar presented to the Association for General and Liberal Studies. 
  1. Demeter, E. (2019). Preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte. Office of Retention, March 2019, UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
  2. Singer-Freeman, K.E., Skrivanek, J., & Bastone, L. (2019). Increasing student success through curricular innovation. Webinar presented to the Applied Learning Advisory Council, State University of New York
  1. Demeter, E. (2018). Highlights from the preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte study. Student Success Working Group Meeting, Jan 2018, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
  2. Demeter, E. (2018). Highlights from the preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte study. Student Affairs Directors Meeting, Feb 2018, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
  3. Demeter, E. (2018). Preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte. Student Assistance and Support Services, Aug 2018, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
  4. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2018). Writing a compelling abstract: Specific tips for Biomedical Sciences, Social/Behavioral Sciences, and Public Health. Webinar hosted by the Annual Biomedical Conference for Minority Students. link
  5. Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2018). Increasing the success of science students through curricular innovation, Adele Wolfson Retirement Symposium, Boston, MA.
  1. Demeter, E. (2017). Using cluster analyses to characterize at-risk students: Findings from MiniEASE Survey. Student Success Working Group Meeting, Dec 2017, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC

Grants Awarded

NSF Standard Grant (Investigators: J. Huerta, A. Reitzel, E. Demeter, A. Young), Project title: “Applying Cognitive Theories of Learning to Improve Graduate Training in STEM Communication.” NSF innovations in General Education (IGE) Program funding, 2023-2026, $499,973.

NSF Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) Grant (Investigators: L. Rasmussen, G. Banks, K. Hall-Hertel, T. Reynolds, E. Demeter), Project title: “Fostering a Culture of Openness and Transparency with Institutional Authorship Policies University of North Carolina at Charlotte.” NSF institutional transformation funding, 2020-2025, $581,653.

Student Success Innovation Lab Grant (Investigators: J. Smail, E. Demeter, C. Marcoux, A. Rorrer, L. Walker), Project title: “Funds to Finish Index and Intervention: Identifying Students with Financial and Academic Planning Risk and Intervening to Promote Timely Graduation.” UNC System Office funding to UNC Charlotte, 2019-2021, $215,000.

Preventing Stop-Out at UNC Grant (Investigators: T. McEntire, E. Demeter, K. Ramstack, S. Rice, C. Robinson), Project title: “Developing a research model on answering the question – Who are our at-risk students and what factors contribute to a student’s delay in and/or never completing registration?” UNC System Office funding to UNC Charlotte, 2016-2017, $32,381