Office CV
The office CV highlights our published works, conference presentations, invited talks, and grant awards.
- Banks, G. C., Rasmussen, L. M., Tonidandel, S., Pollack, J. M., Hausfeld, M. M., Williams, C., Albritton, B. H., Allen, J. A., Bastardoz, N., Batchelor, J. H., Bennett, A. A., Briker, R., Castille, C. M., De Jong, B. A., Demeter, E., DeSimone, J. A., Field, J. G., Figueroa-Armijos, M., Fernanda Garcia, M., … Yang, T. (2025). Women’s and Men’s Authorship Experiences: A Prospective Meta-Analysis. Journal of Management, 0(0).
- Holladay-Sandidge, H., Rasmussen L., McBride, A., Demeter, E., Banks, G., Hall-Hertel, K. (2024). Designing engaging content on academic authorship for graduate students. Teaching Ethics, Special Issue. DOI: 10.5840/tej202463151.
- Alexander, L.C., Demeter, E., Hall-Hertel, K., & Rasmussen, LM. (2023). Developing Faculty Research Mentors: Influence of Experience with Diverse Mentees, Gender, and Mentorship Training. Accountability in Research.
- Rasmussen, L.M., Banks, G., Demeter, E. et al. Authorship agreements benefit researchers and research culture. Nature Human Behavior (2023).
- Rasmussen, L. M., Holladay-Sandidge, H. D., Demeter, E., Banks, G. C., & McBride, A. (2023). Authorship agreement. The Authorship Project. English:, Spanish:, German:, Chinese:, Farsi:, Portuguese:, Greek: This document is available in the R Shiny app at: Tonidandel, S., Banks, G.C., Rasmussen, L., Holladay-Sandidge, H., Demeter, E, and McBride, A.. Authorship agreements, R Shiny app.
- Mosley-Matchett, J. D. (2023). Three Approaches to Academia’s Challenge of Developing Workable AI Policies. Academic Leader
- Hobbs, H. and Robinson, C. (2022). Culturally relevant assessment: Examining equity gaps in assignment types. In G., Baker, G. Henning, & N. Jankowski (Eds.), Reframing Assessment to Center Equity: Theories, Models, and Practice in US Higher Education. Sterling, VA Stylus Publishing.
- Demeter, E., Dorodchi, M., Al-Hossami, E., Benedict, A., Slattery Walker, L., Smail, J. (2022). Predicting first-time-in-college students’ degree completion outcomes. Higher Education.
- Stitt-Bergh, M., Robinson, C., Cottenoir, M., & Morrison, J. (2022). The future of assessment and learning improvement: Equity, mindset, and scholarship. Assessment Update 34 (6).
- Singer-Freeman, K., Taylor, J., Hoshaw, J., & Robinson, C. (2022). Making a grand contribution – Simple ways to improve assessment of learning over time. Assessment Update 34 (5).
- Demeter, E. (2021, Aug 5). Reflecting on course redesign: How faculty can measure the impact of instructional changes. Association of American Colleges & Universities Liberal Education blog.
- Hobbs, H., Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2021). Considering the effects of assignment choices on equity gaps. Journal of Research and Practice in Assessment. 16(1), 49-62.
- Horst, S. J., Prendergast, C. O., Robinson, C., & Hawk, W. J. (2021, April). Ask eight key ethical questions: A strategy for incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion values into assessment planning. Emerging Dialogues in Assessment.—ask-eight-key-ethical-questions
- Robinson, C., Hawk, W.J., Horst, S. J., & Prendergast, C. O.(2021) Ethical reasoning and the five roles of the assessment practitioner. Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning, 2(3).
Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L., & Montenegro, E. (forthcoming). Models and approaches to equity in assessment. To appear in NILOA and CAS (Eds.) Assessment as Essential for Equity in Learning: Designing for Transformation. Stylus Publishing
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2021). Using assessment to increase equity, innovation, and pedagogical improvements in higher education. Assessment Update, 33(6).
Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Note from the guest editor. Intersection: A journal at the intersection of assessment and learning. 2(3),
Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2021). Social sciences general education: Incorporating self-relevant academic writing using ePortfolios. In D. Kelly-Riley & E. Norbert (Eds.), Improving Outcomes: Disciplinary Writing, Local Assessment, and the Aim of Fairness. Modern Language Association: New York.
Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Bastone, B. (2021). Balancing the freedom to teach with the freedom to learn: The critical role for assessment and accreditation. In P. Blessinger and E. Sengupta (Eds.). Teaching and Learning Practices for Academic Freedom, Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. 34, 39-51. Emerald Group Publishing ISSN: 2055-3641/doi:10.1108/S2055-364120200000034005
Singer-Freeman, K. E., Smith, J., Fitzgerald, S., & Robinson, C. (2021). Learning from students: Increasing agency and improving assessment. Assessment Update. 33(3), 6-14.
Stephan, M., Register, J., Reinke, L., Robinson, C., Pugalenthi, P., & Pugalee, D. (May 2021). People use math as a weapon: Critical mathematics consciousness in the time of COVID-19. Educational Studies in Mathematics.
- Stephan, M., Register, J., Reinke, L., Pugalee, D., Crabtree, L., Robinson, C., & Pugalenthi, P. (December 2021). Ethical mathematics awareness in students’ big data decision making. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. 38
- Demeter, E., Robinson, C., Cottenoir, M. L., Hobbs, H., Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). Silver linings from a challenging situation, Intersection, Link
Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2020). Grand challenges in assessment: Collective issues in need of solutions. NILOA Occasional Paper 49. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. link
Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2020). Grand challenges for assessment in higher education. Journal of Research and Practice in Assessment, 1-20 link
Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Demeter, E., Cottenoir, M. L., & Hobbs, H. (2020). Doing our part: The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Office of Assessment and Accreditation supports faculty assessment efforts during COVID-19. Assessment Update link
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Cottenoir, M. (2020). The value of your curriculum map to minimize harm from emergency remote instruction. Emerging Dialogues. Link
- Demeter, E., Robinson, C., Frederick, J.G. (2019). Holistically assessing critical thinking and written communication learning outcomes with direct and indirect measures. Research Practices in Assessment, 14, 41-51.
- Hart, L. C., & Robinson, C. (2019). “From the mouths of babes”: Using a charrette model to assess student learning and engage external stakeholders. Research Practices in Assessment, 14, 18-29.
Robinson, C., Sanders, C., Hobbs, H., Demeter, E., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2019). University of North Carolina at Charlotte – Using the EIA application as a catalyst for intentional improvement. Assessment Update, 31(1), 1-16.
Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2019). Developmental science concepts guide effective support of underrepresented STEM students. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. doi: 10.1002/bmb.21292 link
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2019). Supporting persistence and identity development during applied learning experiences. Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education, 8, 59-79
Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2019). Increasing equity in general education through the use of self-relevant writing and culturally relevant assessment. Intersection. 24-27 link
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C., (2019). Theoretical matrix of culturally relevant assessment. Assessment Update, 31(3), 1-16. link
- Dierker, L., Evia, J., Singer-Freeman, K., Woods, K., Zupkus, J., Arnholt, A., Moliski, E.G., Deckard, N. Gallagher, K., & Rose, J., (2018). Project-Based learning in introductory statistics: Comparing course experiences and predicting positive outcomes for students from diverse educational settings, International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning, 3(2), 52-64. Retrieved from: link
Dierker, L., Flaming, K., Cooper, J., Singer-Freeman, K., Germano, K., & Rose, J., (2018), Evaluating impact: A comparison of learning experiences and outcomes of students completing a traditional versus multidisciplinary, project-based introductory statistics course. International Journal of Education, Training, and Learning, 2(1), 16-28. Retrieved from: link
Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2018). ePortfolio and declarations of academic self: A tale of two contexts. In B. Eynon and L. Gambino (Eds.) Catalyst in action: Case studies of high-impact ePortfolio practice. Virginia: Stylus Publishing.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2019). Supporting persistence and identity development during applied learning experiences. Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education, 8, 59-78 link
- Amin, T., Byker, E., Otis, S., Robinson, C., & Sanchez, C. (2017). Depth and breadth in first year programs. Prospect for success: A campus guide for developing success, inquiry and cultural awareness in first-year students. Charlotte, NC: J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
- Robinson, C., & Qiang, M. (2017). Using the topic model for a 30 second elevator speech about AALHE. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AAHLE) Intersection. Retrieved from
Robinson, C., Frederick, J.G., Demeter, E., Pettazzoni, J., Jost, M., McNelis, E. & Soler, M. (2017). The University of North Carolina System’s adoption of the NILOA Transparency Framework. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) Assessment in Practice.
Robinson, C., Demeter, E., Frederick, J.G., & Sanders, C. (2017). When the call comes, keep calm and assess on: Using the EIA Designation Rubric as a self study for improvement. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) Assessment in Practice.
- Robinson, C., Frederick, J.G, & Demeter, E. (2017). Assessing the assessor: A response to Fulcher & Baskov’s ‘Do We Practice What We Preach? The Accountability of an Assessment Office. Assessment Update. 29(6), 3-14.
Sanchez, C., Robinson, C., Otis, S., Byker, E., & Amin, T. (2017). Challenges and future directions for prospect. Prospect for Success: A Campus Guide for Developing Success, Inquiry and Cultural Awareness in First-year Students. Charlotte, NC: J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2017). Changing their mindsets: ePortfolios encourage application of concepts to the self. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(2), 151-160. link
Conference Workshops, Posters, and Presentations
- Traywick, D., Robinson, C., & George, M. (2024). TOMĀTO, TOMĂTO: Student Learning Assessment Standards in SACSCOC and HLC. Concurrent session at the UNC Accreditation and Assessment Council Meeting.
- Demeter, E., Rasmussen, L., Hall-Hertel, K., McBride, A., Holladay-Sandidge, H., Banks, G. (2024) Interventions to Support Healthy Authorship Practices in Research Teams. World Research Integrity Conference. Athens, Greece.
- Rasmussen, L., Banks, G., Hall-Hertel, K., Demeter, E., Holladay, H., McBride, A. (2024) How to Build Institutional Support for Healthy Authorship Practices and Resolution of Disputes. World Research Integrity Conference. Athens, Greece.
- Demeter, E., Hall-Hertel, K., McBride, A. Holladay-Sandidge, H., Rasmussen, L., Banks, G. (2024). Ensuring Equitable and Ethical Authorship Practices in Graduate Education. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
- Mosley-Matchett, J. (2024). Using Generative AI to facilitate the new Federal mandates of Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment. North Carolina Association for Institutional Research (NCAIR) Conference: Institutional Innovation. Winston-Salem, NC.
- Mosley-Matchett, J. (2024). Generative AI dashboard front-end for user-friendly accountability metrics. Association for Institutional Research (AIR) Forum. Denver, CO.
- DeKorte, J., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2023). Jumpstarting General Education Program Review: A Systems Thinking Approach to the Self-Study. Workshop presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2023). Using Universal Design in Assessments and Assignments to Increase Equity. Workshop presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
- George, M. J., Robinson, C., and Cottenoir, M. (2023). Interactive Reaffirmation Prep Sessions for the Campus Community. Pre-Conference Workshop presented at the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.
- Robinson, C. and George, M. J. (2023). Organizing the Institution for an Accreditation Self-Study. Workshop presented at CCPRO Annual Meeting. Raleigh, NC.
- Robinson, C., Langdon, H., and Hewitt, K. (2023). Institutional Effectiveness Perspectives on Strategic Planning. Concurrent session at the UNC Accreditation and Assessment Council Meeting.
- George, M. J., Cottenoir, M., and Robinson, C. (2023). Applying an Improvement Cycle to the Work of an Assessment Office. IUPUI Assessment Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
- Cottenoir, M., & Robinson, C. (2023). Taking Advantage of Unexpected Data Sources. Assessment Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
- Croxton, B., Robinson, C, Bastian, H., Keith-Le, J., and Stracener, N. (2023). It takes a village: Improving teaching, learning, and student success through campus inter-office Cooperation. Concurrent session presented at the UNC System Learning & Technology Symposium.
- Robinson, C., Langford, H., and Hewitt, K. (2023). Institutional Perspectives on Strategic Planning. Concurrent session at the Assessment & Accreditation Council Professional Development Meeting.
- Bastian, H., Zuber, P., Wayland, C., Cottenoir, M. (2023). Centering Integrative Learning in Faculty Professional Developement. AAC&U Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment. Providence, RI.
- George, M. J. (2023). Engaging Faculty in the Assessment of Learning Improvement: A Case Study of the Scholarship of Assessment Program at UNC Charlotte. New Jersey Institute of Technology Faculty Engagement Show and Tell.
- Lauzon, J. and Mosley-Matchett, J. (2023). Bridging Creativity and Accessibility: Visual Generative AI in College-Level Art Education. International Journal of Art and Design Education(iJADE) Conference. UK
- Demeter, E., McBride, A., Holladay-Sandidge, H., Banks, G., Hall-Hertel, K., Rasmussen, L. (2023). Educational Intervention to Support Good Authorship Practices. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Research Integrity Scholars and Educators (APPE RISE) Consortium Annual Pre-Conference Symposium. Portland, OR.
- Holly Holladay-Sandidge, H., Rasmussen, L., McBride, A., Demeter, E., Banks, G., Hall-Hertel, K. (2023). Shedding light on a “hidden curriculum”: Designing engaging content for online authorship training. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Research Integrity Scholars and Educators (APPE RISE) Consortium Annual Pre-Conference Symposium. Portland, OR.
- Mosley-Matchett, J. (2023). “Critical Conversation: Interplay of Culture, Politics, and Gender in Caribbean Higher Education Leadership: Observations, Experiences, and Lessons Learned by Three American Women.” Concurrent session at the 2023 Women in Educational Leadership Virtual Symposium (WIELS)
- George, M. (2023). “Building and Sustaining Campus-wide Engagement around Equity, Using an ADKAR Framework.” Conference Workshop. Presented at the 2023 AAC&U Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success.
- George, M. (2023). “Centering the Student Voice through Enhanced Student Panel Presentations.” Presented at the 2023 AAC&U Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success.
- George, M. (2023). “Yes, Virginia, There Is More Discontent than Before; That Means It’s Working!” Presented at the 2023 AAC&U Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success.
- Robinson, C. and Singer-Freeman, K. (2022). Digital Enhancements for Common, Online Mathematics Courses. Concurrent session presented at the International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project.
- Plater, S. & Robinson, C. (2022). Preparing for a Compliance Review: Avoid Being Cited on Standard 14.2. Concurrent session presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
- Demeter, E., Dorodchi, M., Al-Hossami, E., Benedict, A., Slattery Walker, L., Smail, J. (2022). Predicting first-time-in-college students’ degree completion outcomes. Higher Education.
- Robinson, C. & Cottenoir, M. (2022). Prepping for Your 10-year Reaffirmation Using Three Guiding Questions. Concurrent session presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Heiser, C., Hoshaw, J., Bureau, D., Taylor, J., Aaron, R., White-Goyzueta, K., & Poop, S. (2022). Implementing the Grand Challenges in Assessment Strategic Plans. Concurrent session presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
- Cottenoir, M., Birdsong, S., Byker, E., & Robinson, C. (2022). Faculty Learning Community on Learning Improvement. Concurrent session presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
- DeKorte, J., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2022). Jumpstarting General Education Program Review: A Systems Thinking Approach to the Self-Study. Workshop presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2022). Using Universal Design in Assessments and Assignments to Increase Equity. Workshop presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.
- Singer-Freeman, K. and Robinson, C. (2022). Communicating Progress: Grand Assessment Challenge Results. Beyond Multiple Choice Seminar: Advancing Public Discourse Around Assessment
- Singer-Freeman, K., Robinson, C., and Hobbs, H. (2021). Using universal design to increase equity in assessment of learning [Workshop]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Playter, S., Robinson, C., and Hobbs, H. (2021). The SACSCOC Substantive change policy has been revised: What do we do next? [Concurrent Session]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
- DeKorte, J., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2021). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Robinson, C. and Wang, R. (2021). Tightening the interdependent structure between the university-level offices, college-level offices, and faculty. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Hewitt, K., Robinson, C., and Strickland, A. (2021). Using appreciative inquiry to build collaborative leadership among assessment and accreditation leaders in a public university system. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis Annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Bheda, D., Baker, G., Crocker, W., Henning, G., Jankowski, N., Lundquist, A., Montenegro, E., Saxena, M., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Road to equity in assessment [Workshop presentation]. AALHE 2021 Post-Conference E3 Learning Series, Remote.
- Robinson, C. & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Collaborating to meet assessment’s greatest challenges. Assessment Challenges of Our New Decade Beyond Multiple Choice Online Seminar, Remote.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Assessment of ePortfolio curricula and student ePortfolio work [Webinar presentation]. AAC&U Institute on ePortfolios, Remote
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Designing assignments and assessments to increase equity and support student success [Keynote address]. University of Wisconsin, Whitewater Assessment Day, Remote
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Using academic support program reviews to drive institutional improvements [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, Remote.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Assessment of ePortfolio curricula and student ePortfolio work [Webinar presentation]. IUPUI ePortfolio Community of Practice, Remote
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C., (2021). Using universal design in assessments and assignments to increase equity [Workshop presentation]. Assessment Institute, Remote.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2021). Using program reviews to improve academic support units: Lessons from an Office of Assessment and Accreditation program review [Paper presentation]. Assessment Institute, Remote.
- Singer-Freeman, & K. E., Robinson, C., (2021). Equity driven assessment: Simple actions to promote inclusion in assignments & assessments [Workshop presentation]. New England University, Remote.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2021). Using universal design principles to increase equity in assessments of learning [Workshop presentation]. Annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, Remote.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Hoshaw, J., Heiser, C., & Bureau, D. (2021). Grand challenges in assessment project: Updates, next steps, and an invitation to participate. Pre-Institute Bonus Session – Assessment Institute, Remote
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., McCullough, H., Bastian, H., Croxton, R., Stracener, N. (2021). It takes a village: Improving campus assessment culture through inter-office cooperation [Paper presentation]. Assessment Institute, Remote.
- Cottenoir, M. L., & Robinson, C. (2020). Seeking improvement in general education. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Cottenoir, M. L., Robinson, C., & Demeter, E. (2020). Investigating institutional level student learning outcomes. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Cottenoir, M. L., & Robinson, C. (2020). Evidence of learning improvement in general education [Concurrent session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Cottenoir, M. L., Robinson, C., & Demeter, E. (2020). Utilizing triangulation methodology to analyze institutional-level student learning outcome [Concurrent Session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- DeKorte, J., Hobbs, H. & Robinson, C. (2020). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study [Workshop]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Harver, A., Beete, D., Bowling, J., Bastian, H., & Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). If you build it they will come: Scaling an ePortfolio program tenfold [Paper presentation]. AAC&U ePortfolio Forum, Washington, D.C.
- Harver, A., & Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). Beyond brick and mortar: Capstone ePortfolios connect curricular and co-curricular undergraduate public health learning experiences [Paper presentation]. ASPPH Undergraduate Public Health and Global Health Education Summit, Arlington, VA.
- Hobbs, H. and Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Examining assignment types to unravel barriers to student success [Concurrent Session]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Hundley, S., Banta, T., Thorington-Springer, J., Howse, M., Hutchings, P., Lexow, M., Orr, V., Robinson, C., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Assessment institute welcome session [Welcome Session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Hundley, S., Hahn, T., Kahn, S., Keith, C., Busby, K., Fulcher, K., Leventhal, B., Kolb, M., Singer-Freeman, K., Robinson, C., Demeter, E., Cottenoir, M., Hobbs, H., & Jankowski, N. (2020). Adapting assessment approaches in the COVID-19 era [Bonus Preview Session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Peters, A., Richardson, S., Cottenoir, M. (2020). Ensuring delivery of quality curricula and achieving learning outcomes during times of crisis [Workshop] IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Playter, S., Hobbs, H., and Robinson, C. (2020). Are we singing the same tune? Is this a substantive change? [Concurrent Session]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020) Self-reflective assessments and rubrics for online learning [Webinar presentation]. University of North Carolina at Charlotte Center for Teaching and Learning.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Ways the grand challenges project can support tuning at your institution [Concurrent Session]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E.., Hobbs, H., Robinson, C., Hoshaw, J. & Marin, A. (2020). Equity in assessment: Evidence for the importance of inclusive content and utility value in assignments and assessments [Concurrent Session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C., (2020). Increasing equity using evidence-based assessment [Workshop presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, Remote.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2020). Leading improvements in higher education podcast: Grand challenges in higher education assessment. Watermark.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E.., Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C. (2020). Improving assessments and assignments to increase equity [Workshop presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2020). Improving assessments and assignments to increase equity [Faculty workshop]. Barton College, Remote.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Kelly-Riley, D, Milligan, S, Williams, M., & Hoshaw, J. (2020). Grand challenges project: emerging plans for action [Concurrent Session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E.., Robinson, C., Slotnick, R., Platt-Dear, C. Schramm-Possinger, M., & Heiser, C. (2020). Grand challenges project: emerging plans for action [Concurrent Session]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Smith, J. (2020). Why not ask the pig? Involving students in the assessment of their learning [Paper presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, Remote. link
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., Souza, J. M.; Jankowski, N.; Rhodes, T. (2020). Grand challenges project [Panel presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, Remote.
- Baham, T. N., Dechert, E., Pineda, K., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2019). Assessing assessment: Using the EIA to identify best practices [Paper presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, St. Paul, MN.
- Demeter, E. & Hutson, B. (2019). Assessing critical thinking at the institutional level [Paper presentation]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
- DeKorte, J., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2019). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Demeter, E. (2019). Communicating for success: Using stop out data to motivate institutional change [Paper presentation]. Student Success Conference hosted by UNC System Office, Chapel Hill, NC.
- Harver, A., & Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). Beyond brick and mortar: Capstone ePortfolios connect curricular and co-curricular undergraduate public health learning experiences [Paper submitted to be presented]. ASPPH Undergraduate Public Health and Global Health Education Summit, Arlington, VA.
- Harver, A., Beete, D., Bowling, J., Bastian, H., & Singer-Freeman, K. E., (2020). If you build it they will come: Scaling an ePortfolio program tenfold [Paper to be presented] AAC&U ePortfolio Forum, Washington, D.C.
- Hobbs, H., Robinson, C., & Singer-Freeman, K. (2019). Using a theoretical matrix of culturally relevant assessment to promote equity [Session presented]. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Hobbs, H., Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2019). Using a theoretical matrix of culturally relevant assessment to promote equity [Paper presented]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
- Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., Fulcher, K., Turos, J., & Verzinski, B. (2019). Excellence in assessment designees reflect on growth. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
- Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2019). Criteria for good evidence of closing the loop. Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2019). Supporting institutional effectiveness by maximizing reporting efforts [Paper presented]. Annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, Houston, TX
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2019). Path to publication in the assessment of learning in higher education [Match Panel presented]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, St. Paul, MN
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2019). Increasing equity through self-relevant ePortfolio writing [Paper presented]. Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Singer-Freeman K. E. & Bastone, L. (2019). Examining the role of assessments in achievement gaps [Paper presented]. SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology, Purchase, NY.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Harver, A. (2019). Using ePortfolios to encourage integration of academic and co-curricular high impact practices [Paper presented]. North Carolina College Personnel Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2019). Identifying the grand challenges facing assessment in higher education [Paper presented]. University of North Carolina Assessment Council, Raleigh, NC.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2019). Identifying the grand challenges facing assessment in higher education [Paper presented]. Meeting of the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, St. Paul, MN.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2019). Identifying the grand challenges facing assessment in higher education [Paper presented]. Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2019). Mining institutional data to answer assessment questions and increase grading equity [Workshop presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference, St. Paul, MN.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2019). Increasing Equity Using Evidence-Based Assessment [Workshop presentation]. Drexel Assessment Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H., (2019). Increasing Equity Using Culturally Relevant Assessment [Workshop presentation]. Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Amsel, E., Singer-Freeman, K. E., Walton, M. D., & Budwig, N. A., (2018). Developmental science and student success: Scaffolding students’ transformative experiences in higher education [Paper presentation]. AAC&U Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Demeter, E., Qiang, M., & Robinson, C. (2018). Using the topic modeling method to assess the substance of student learning outcome improvement plans [Presentation.] Association of the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Frederick, J.G., Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., Dekorte, J. (2018). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Hart, L., & Robinson, C. (2018). From the mouths of babes: Using student stories for authentic assessment of learning [Presentation at the meeting]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), New Orleans, LA.
- Hobbs, H. & McNelis, E. (2018). Learning improvement assessment activity [Presentation]. UNC System Annual Assessment Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC
- Matthews, M., & Demeter, E. (2018). Examining the efficacy of add-on licensure coursework in academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) [Presentation]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New York, NY.
- Robinson, C. & Hobbs, H. (2018). Criteria for good evidence of closing the loop [Presentation at the meeting]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), New Orleans, LA.
- Robinson, C., Hobbs, H. & Singer-Freeman, K. (2018). Are certain types of assessment privileged? [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Skrivanek, J., Bastone, L. & Singer-Freeman, K.E. (2018). The use of ePortfolios in a summer research program [Presentation]. Applied Learning Conference, Tarrytown, NY.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2018). Increasing equity in general education through the use of self-relevant ePortfolio writing [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Demeter, E. (2017). Preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte [Presented at the Adult Learner Convening]. UNC System General Administration, Winston-Salem, NC.
- Demeter, E. (2017). Integrating multiple measures to assess students’ critical thinking & written communication abilities [Presentation]. Association of the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY.
- Demeter, E. (2017). Preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte: Results and next steps [Webinar]. UNC System General Administration.
- Frederick, J.G., Mullin, J., & Robinson, C. (2017). Designed to assess: Measuring the transfer of first-year writing student learning outcomes [Presentation]. Association of American Colleges and Universities: General Education and Assessment Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Frederick, J.G., Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., & DeKorte, J. (2017). Jumpstarting general education program review: A systems thinking approach to the self-study [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Hobbs, H., Knight. F., Miklaucic, S., & Moore, A. (2017). Overcoming challenges in the assessing of general education: A tale of four institutions [Presentation]. Association of General and Liberal Studies. Memphis, TN.
- Hobbs, H., & Robinson, C. (2017). Using the excellence in assessment designation to advance campus assessment [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Jost, M., Robinson, C., & Frederick, J.G. (2017). Responding to the call for greater transparency and accountability: How did the University of North Carolina System do it? [Presentation]. Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Robinson, C. (2017). Where the paper trail ends – Implementing a new online assessment system [Presented at the meeting]. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Dallas, TX.
- Robinson, C. (2017). Engaging stakeholders and building consensus for publishing the components of the NILOA Transparency Framework [Presentation]. IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Robinson, C., & Yount, L. (2017). Assessment and accountability at HBCUs and MSIs: Assets, opportunities, and lessons learned [Presentation]. Association of American Colleges and Universities: General Education and Assessment Meeting, Phoenix, AZ
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Bastone, L. (2017). The use of program seminars to support academic, economic, and social capital in MARC U*STAR scholars [Poster presented]. TWD Program Directors’ Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Bastone, L., & Skrivanek, J. (2017). The use of ePortfolios to support and document academic self-efficacy and goals in bridges to the baccalaureate students [Poster presented]. TWD Program Directors’ Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2017). Parsing the unique contributions of ePortfolio assignments [Paper presented]. New York Regional ePortfolio Conference, New York, NY.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2017). ePortfolios create better students: Similar students write and reflect more in ePortfolios [Paper presented]. AAC&U ePortfolio Forum, San Francisco, CA.
Invited Talks and Presentations
- Robinson, C., Singer-Freeman, K. E., Taylor J., Farrel, J.F., & Heiser. (2023). Grand Challenges in Assessment: Guiding Innovations, Improving Pedagogy, and Increasing Equity. Assessment Institute Webinar Series.
- Robinson, C., Hill, Y., Janio, J., Maness, H., & White-Goyzueta, K. (2024). Grand Challenges in Assessment: Directing Rapid and Equitable Improvements in Pedagogy. Assessment Institute Webinar Series.
- Robinson, C., Janetski, B., Bebee, C., Smith, R. & McCarthy. (2024) Grand Challenges in Assessment: Employing Data Visualization to Guide Innovation. Assessment Institute Webinar Series.
- Demeter, E. (2023). Authorship Policy and Authorship Agreement, talk given to UNC Charlotte Biology faculty departmental meeting.
- Demeter, E. (2023) How to Communicate your Research, talk given to OUR scholars.
- Demeter, E. (2023) Preparing for 3MT, talk for CGLL given to graduate students.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C. (2022). Communicating Progress: Grand Assessment Challenge Results. Advancing Public Discourse Around Assessment, Beyond Multiple Choice Online Seminar.
- Robinson, C. & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2021). Collaborating to Meet Assessment’s Greatest Challenges. Assessment Challenges of Our New Decade, Beyond Multiple Choice Online Seminar.
- Hobbs, H., Singer-Freeman, K.E., & Robinson, C. (2020). Examining assignment types to support equity in student learning [Webinar presented]. John N. Gardner Institute.
- Demeter, E., Sevier, J. & Boyette, J. (2020). How do you measure success? Appalachian State Support Course Summit.
- Demeter, E. (2020). Life of a doctor – but not that kind! [Panelist]. University of Michigan STAR Scholars Program virtual webinar.
- Demeter, E. (2020). Math pathways: Black male initiative. UNC System Virtual Meeting.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2020). Designing assessments of student learning to support equity. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Professional Development Series Webinar.
- Demeter, E. (2020). STEM communication series, fundamentals: The overview. UNC Charlotte Center for Graduate Life webinar.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L. (2020). Use self-reflective writing to increase equity in online assessment of student learning. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Professional Development Series Webinar.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Increasing equity through self-reflective writing. On Demand Webinar for the Lindenwood University Certificate in Culturally Responsive Assessment.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E., Robinson, C., & Hobbs, H. (2020). Improving assessments and assignments to increase equity. On Demand Webinar for the Lindenwood University Certificate in Culturally Responsive Assessment.
- Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Heirs to the silence of privilege in student learning: Having uncomfortable conversations. Webinar presented to IUPUI Program Review and Assessment Committee.
- Robinson, C., Hobbs, H., & Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Increasing equity using evidence-based assessment. Webinar presented to UNC System Joint Tricouncil.
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2020). Designing classroom assessments to reduce inequities. Workshop presented at Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Robinson, C., (2020). Grand challenges and general education. Lunchtime Chat Webinar presented to the Association for General and Liberal Studies.
- Demeter, E. (2019). Preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte. Office of Retention, March 2019, UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
- Singer-Freeman, K.E., Skrivanek, J., & Bastone, L. (2019). Increasing student success through curricular innovation. Webinar presented to the Applied Learning Advisory Council, State University of New York
- Demeter, E. (2018). Highlights from the preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte study. Student Success Working Group Meeting, Jan 2018, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
- Demeter, E. (2018). Highlights from the preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte study. Student Affairs Directors Meeting, Feb 2018, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
- Demeter, E. (2018). Preventing stop-out at UNC Charlotte. Student Assistance and Support Services, Aug 2018, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2018). Writing a compelling abstract: Specific tips for Biomedical Sciences, Social/Behavioral Sciences, and Public Health. Webinar hosted by the Annual Biomedical Conference for Minority Students. link
- Singer-Freeman, K. E. (2018). Increasing the success of science students through curricular innovation, Adele Wolfson Retirement Symposium, Boston, MA.
- Demeter, E. (2017). Using cluster analyses to characterize at-risk students: Findings from MiniEASE Survey. Student Success Working Group Meeting, Dec 2017, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
Grants Awarded
NSF Standard Grant (Investigators: J. Huerta, A. Reitzel, E. Demeter, A. Young), Project title: “Applying Cognitive Theories of Learning to Improve Graduate Training in STEM Communication.” NSF innovations in General Education (IGE) Program funding, 2023-2026, $499,973.
NSF Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) Grant (Investigators: L. Rasmussen, G. Banks, K. Hall-Hertel, T. Reynolds, E. Demeter), Project title: “Fostering a Culture of Openness and Transparency with Institutional Authorship Policies University of North Carolina at Charlotte.” NSF institutional transformation funding, 2020-2025, $581,653.
Student Success Innovation Lab Grant (Investigators: J. Smail, E. Demeter, C. Marcoux, A. Rorrer, L. Walker), Project title: “Funds to Finish Index and Intervention: Identifying Students with Financial and Academic Planning Risk and Intervening to Promote Timely Graduation.” UNC System Office funding to UNC Charlotte, 2019-2021, $215,000.
Preventing Stop-Out at UNC Grant (Investigators: T. McEntire, E. Demeter, K. Ramstack, S. Rice, C. Robinson), Project title: “Developing a research model on answering the question – Who are our at-risk students and what factors contribute to a student’s delay in and/or never completing registration?” UNC System Office funding to UNC Charlotte, 2016-2017, $32,381