2018 Workshops
Fall 2018 Workshops
Introduction to Compliance Assist
Facilitator: Harriet Hobbs
Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Navigate the system and find their departmental data
- Enter and update strategic planning updates of goals and objectives
- Enter and update student learning outcomes
- Print basic summary reports
Advanced Data Reporting Using Compliance Assist
Facilitator: Harriet Hobbs
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Print reports which reveal specific elements of a strategic plan (i.e. all objectives that are on hold, behind, discontinued etc.)
- Print reports that only reflect certain elements of the template (print only the results and use of results for a given objective, etc.)
- Use Excel to create scorecards and other useful workbooks for reporting and processing strategic planning and SLO data
*Workshop was provided in collaboration with the Center for Teaching and Learning:
*Introduction to Learning Objectives
Facilitator: Elise Demeter
Workshop Objectives: This asynchronous, online workshop clarifies the use of learning objectives for teaching and provides concrete steps for planning and writing course and module objectives for your course that match what you need and want to teach.
Spring 2018 Workshops
Aligning Course Objectives, Instructional Strategies, & Assessments to Enhance Student Learning & Motivation
Facilitator: Elise Demeter
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will understand:
- The value of explicitly connecting student learning objectives, instructional activities, and assessments in enhancing student learning.
- How to align student learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments for a course topic of their choice.
Using Curriculum Maps to Improve Student (and Faculty) Learning
Facilitator: Cindy Fox and Nicole Tarr
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will understand
- A process to identify where in the undergraduate curriculum outcomes are “introduced”, “developed”, and “mastered”
- The process of conducting a gap analysis using the curriculum map results
Examining the Efficacy of Add-on Licensure Programming AIG Education
Facilitator: Michael Matthews and Elise Demeter
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will understand:
- The importance of assessment and evaluation of graduate-level programming in education, particularly in the context of a regulatory environment that seeks to replace such programming with other alternatives that are not based in institutions of higher education
- The general kinds of data available from the North Carolina Education Research Data Center at Duke University
- Practical considerations surrounding the use of NCERDC and institutional data to evaluate teacher education programming, and how these may inform futures study in related areas
CTL Workshop: Classroom Assessment Techniques: Assessing Prior Knowledge, Recall and Understanding
Facilitator: Elise Demeter
Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify common techniques for assessing prior knowledge
- Incorporate classroom assessment feedback to improve teaching and learning
Revising Student Learning Outcomes During the Curriculum Redesign Process
Facilitator: Elena Payne-Wiens and Lynne Conner
Workshop Objective: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will understand:
- One Department’s experience of developing guidelines, materials, and resources for faculty so that they have the tools to clearly communicate course and program learning objectives to students
Developing Analytic Rubrics
Facilitator: Cathy Sanders (Please contact facilitaor via email)
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will:
- Understand the purpose of an analytic rubric and be able to create and use one
Introduction to Compliance Assist for New Faculty/Staff
Facilitator: Harriet Hobbs
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Navigate the system and find their departmental data
- Enter and update strategic planning updates of goals and objectives
- Enter and update student learning outcomes
- Print basic summary reports
Advanced Data Reporting Using Compliance Assist
Facilitator: Harriet Hobbs (Please contact facilitaor via email)
Workshop Objectives: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Print reports which reveal specific elements of a strategic plan (i.e. all objectives that are on hold, behind, discontinued etc.)
- Print reports that only reflect certain elements of the template (print only the results and use of results for a given objective, etc.)
- Use Excel to create scorecards and other useful workbooks for reporting and processing strategic planning and SLO data
Using Assessment Data to Improve Student Learning
Facilitator: Cathy Sanders (Please contact facilitaor via email)
Workshop Objective: Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will:
- Understand how to use assessment data in conjunction with analytic rubrics and curriculum maps to identify changes needed to improve student learning.