SACSCOC Substantive Change

New site locations, site closures, and new degree, certificate, joint degree, and dual degree programs may require approval from SACSCOC before the programs can begin or close. Documentation to SACSCOC may include a written letter of notification and/or a proposal. Review the resources below and consult with the SACSCOC liaison to help determine if one or both of these is required. While SACSCOC approval cannot occur until the UNC General Administration approvals have been secured, completion of these documents can take place simultaneously.

The Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics has been charged with coordinating the reviews and approvals required by SACSCOC and ensuring compliance with the University’s policy on Substantive Change for Institutional Accreditation.

Resources for SACSCOC Substantive Change can be found here:

Substantive Change Webinars and PDF Presentations

Please refer to UNC Charlotte’s Substantive Change Policy and SACSCOC Substantive Change FAQ’s for additional details.