Assessing Student Learning. Learn good practices for assessing student learning in college courses. This 5-module, asynchronous course covers low- and high-stakes assessments, the assessment of writing in the AI age, creating and using rubrics to provide feedback, and constructing high-quality exams. This course is offered on demand for UNC Charlotte instructors. Dr. Elise Demeter will facilitate this course ( Use the link below to access the course’s home page, then click “Join this course” to self-enroll.
Enroll Here: Training – Assessing Student Learning
Redesigning Your Course. Are you interested in using student data to improve your course? Do you want to create a manageable, practical plan to help you improve your course over time? UNC Charlotte instructors may join this asynchronous training course to gain access to impactful content, evidenced-based resources, and reflective activities designed to help you make meaningful changes in your course to improve student learning. This online training consists of 5 modules. You will learn to use data to pinpoint where students struggle and how to address these challenges with targeted instructional strategies. You will also develop a clear implementation plan for your course redesign, making intentional, incremental changes over time that build towards significant improvements. Dr. Elise Demeter will facilitate this course ( Use the link below to access the course’s home page, then click “Join this course” to self-enroll.
Enroll Here: Training – Redesigning Your Course to Improve Student Learning
- Models of Student Learning Outcomes Reports
- Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan and Report Evaluation Rubric (In Revision)
- Nine Principles of Good Practice
- Best Practices for Assessing Impact of Instructional Changes on Student Learning
- 9 Suggestions for Improving 49er Learning in SLO Reporting
The OAA team publishes work on assessment and improving student learning. See the office’s publication list.
The Grand Challenges in Assessment consortium produced several examples of high-quality assessment efforts led by instructors nation-wide. These efforts are designed to lead to rapid pedagogical improvements.
- Amber Ruskowski, Introduction to Business, Ivy Tech
- Justin Horshaw, Microbiology, Waubonsee Community College
- Julie Morrison, Research Methods in Psychology, Glendale Community College
- Daniel Perez, English Composition, Texas Southmost College
- Abraham Jimenez, Elementary Statistics, Texas Southmost College
Assessing STudent Learning in Online COurses
Resource list for instructors who teach online.
Triangulation of Student learning outcomes assessment
Learn more about the triangulation approach to determine how instruction impacts student learning.
NILOA Transparency framework
UNC Charlotte using the NILOA Transparency Framework as a model for communicating relevant learning outcomes assessment information to stakeholders.
Read our guide for instructors on using Canvas Quizzes tools and analytics to drive improvements in instruction and student learning.