Assessing Student Learning in Courses
Professional Development for Charlotte Instructors:
Assessing Student Learning. Learn good practices for assessing student learning in college courses. This 5-module, asynchronous course covers low- and high-stakes assessments, the assessment of writing in the AI age, creating and using rubrics to provide feedback, and constructing high-quality exams. This course is offered on demand for UNC Charlotte instructors. Dr. Elise Demeter will facilitate this course ( Use the link below to access the course’s home page, then click Join this course to self-enroll.
Enroll Here: Training – Assessing Student Learning
Redesigning Your Course. Are you interested in using student data to improve your course? Do you want to create a manageable, practical plan to help you improve your course over time? UNC Charlotte instructors may join this asynchronous training course to gain access to impactful content, evidenced-based resources, and reflective activities designed to help you make meaningful changes in your course to improve student learning. This online training consists of 5 modules. You will learn to use data to pinpoint where students struggle and how to address these challenges with targeted instructional strategies. You will also develop a clear implementation plan for your course redesign, making intentional, incremental changes over time that build towards significant improvements. Dr. Elise Demeter will facilitate this course ( Use the link below to access the course’s home page, then click “Join this course” to self-enroll.
Enroll Here: Training – Redesigning Your Course to Improve Student Learning
Resources for Online Courses:
Check out resources for online teaching and assessment at the NC System Digital Course Enhancement Project – Includes complete resources for teaching Biology I, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry I, Chemistry II, Organic Chemistry I, Calculus I, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, and Financial Accounting
End of Semester Assessments Alternatives for Spring & Summer 2020
Remote exams and Assessments (Rutgers University) – discussion of proctored exams and alternatives to using them including specifics for quantitative courses
Open-book exams (University of New Castle Australia) – discussion on designing an assessment that allows students to refer to approved course materials during an exam
Open-book exams (Ryerson University) – best practices in using open-book exams
Exam Options (UC Davis) – provides online alternative assessment
Final Exam Resources, Tools, and FAQs (UNC Chapel Hill) – best practices and frequently asked questions on a remote approach for final exams during COVID-19.
Adapting labs and studios for remote learning (Wake Forest University) – a process for identifying the most essential learning for design, technique, and interpretation purposes
Achieving the essentials for assessing student learning (UNC Charlotte) – Assessment experts will provide instructional faculty with a framework for identifying and achieving their essential goals for student learning; specific, feasible examples of ways students can demonstrate what they’ve learned; and considerations for assessing learning in the current time.
End-of-semester Alternate Assessments and Projects (UNC Charlotte) – a 28-minute video by the Office of Assessment and the Center for Teaching and Learning
Ways to insure assignments are inclusive during remote emergency instruction (Brown University) – suggestions for faculty across all disciplines
Remote teaching quick guide (University of Cape Town) – converting face-to-face courses to online format
Assessment resources for course under development
Effective Assessment Practices for Online Learning (UNC Charlotte) – YouTube video that provides research-based assessment tips and techniques used in assessing student learning
Using Self-Reflective Assessments in Online Classes (UNC Charlotte) – YouTube video that provides sample assignments and rubrics that can be used to encourage students to reflect on their own learning
Keep Teaching (Indiana University) – suggestions for teaching courses online during extended times of disruption
Online Assessment (Rochester Institute of Technology) – discussion of using asynchronous discussion boards, quizzes, writing assignments, individual and group activities
Assessing Student Learning in Online Classes Chapter 4 (University of Massachusetts) – discussion of assessment in online courses
Grading and Performance Rubrics (Carnegie Mellon University) – examples of rubrics for various assignment types
Discussion rubrics (University of Central Florida) – examples of rubrics with expectations of quality comments to students’ posts
Debate assignment (University of Central Florida) – assessment tool for online debates
Team-based evaluations (University of Central Florida) – assessment tools that evaluate both individual and group effort
Collaborative projects (Florida International University) – methods of engaging students in collaboration
Assessments for Science Labs (Duke University) – discusses how to match laboratory teaching goals with learning activities and assessments
Assessing Student Learning in the Online Modality (NILOA) – discussion of online learning including sections on assessment and feedback and example courses
Learner Assessment in Online Courses – discusses aligning learning outcomes and assessment activities
Actively Engaging Students in Asynchronous Online Classes (IDEA) – provides a three-pronged approach for envisioning active learning online
The Online Educator’s Complete Guide to Grading Assignments, Part 1 and The Online Educator’s Complete Guide to Grading Assignments, Part 2: Errol Craig Sull with Faculty Focus – thoughts from a faculty member with 17 years of online teaching experience
Resources by Academic Areas
Education – Early Childhood, Health and Physical Education, Middle and Secondary Education
Early Childhood Online Resources – google sheet with multiple resources
National Council of Teachers of English Resources for Virtual Instruction and Online Learning – resources for future K-12 teachers
Shape America COVID-19 Resources – resources for future K-12 teachers
Physical Education Central Videos – resources for future K-12 teachers
National Science Teaching Association: Online Teaching Resources – resources for future K-12 teachers
Fine Arts – Art/Art History, Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual/Studio Arts
- Museum – virtual tours and art collections
12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours – links to virtual tours of British Museum (London), Guggenheim (New York), National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC), Musee d’Orsay (Paris), National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Seoul), Pergamon (Berlin), Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam), Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam), The J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angles), Uffizi Gallery (Florence), MASP (Sao Paulo), National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico City), Louvre (Paris)
19 immersive museum exhibits you can visit from your couch – PBS link to museums across the world
Smart History – collection of art grouped by region and time period
Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections – links to museums all over the world
- Performances – live and recorded
15 Broadway Plays and Musicals You Can Watch On Stage From Home – links to videos
Digital Theatre+: Access Resources for Remote Learning – free membership provides access to teaching resources and productions from across the world
Metropolitan Opera to Offer Up “Nightly Met Opera Streams” – live and recorded opera performances
Social Distancing Festival – features visual art, dance, musical, and theatre/theatre musical/opera exhibits
- Tools – software, simulations, and general information
Resources for Moving Dance-Based Pedagogy Online – general pedagogy information, technical tools, and performance/dance specific resources (free online music notation tool) (online music theory computer games) (rap music analysis) (pop music analysis) (analyses of popular music)
Artusi (making their music theory software available for free for this semester to any institution required to move to all online instruction because of Covid-19)
So You Need To Teach Online: Music History and Music Theory Edition – faculty insights from George Mason University
Teaching Theatre Online: A Shift in Pedagogy Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak – google document created by Loyola Marymount University faculty member
Scene Study Emergency Pack – collection of short plays written or adapted to be used for scene study in a remote learning environment
Resources for Online Instruction of Visual/Studio Arts – crowdsourced google page with numerous resources
Health and Human Services –Social Work, Public Health, Kinesiology
- Tools – software, lab simulations,
HHMI BioInteractive – activities, interactive media, and videos on science practices, anatomy and physiology, evolution, genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology, microbiology, cell biology, ecology, environmental science, and earth science
Journal of Visualized Experiments (offers thousands of videos of experiments)
Zygote Body 3D Anatomy Online Visualizer – allows students to move through layers of human body
Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology – short videos on introductory college-level anatomy and physiology topics
COVID-19 Resources for Social Workers and Therapists – roundup of over 60 free resources that may be of help to you as a social worker, mental health professional and/or social work educator
Humanities – Creative Writing, English, History, Spanish
- Tools
Digital Storytelling Tools – links to tools to publish stories online
Digital Repositories for Book History Teaching, Research, & More – listing of website for accessing books, handwritten notes and various written documents
- Crowdsourced Pages
Modern Language Association: Bringing Your Course Online
Articles/Podcasts (Dr. Kate Jewell) – podcasts organized by chapters in American Yawp (16-30)
How Can Educators Use Podcasts in Teaching? (Footnoting History) – discussion on the use of podcasts in teaching
Remote Learning in History Spring 2020 – google page with resources from St. Lawrence University faculty member
US History COVID-19 Response Online Pedagogy Ideas Shared – Spotify playlist of historical analysis and framing historical questions
Free History Comics – list of websites to access comics
The Show Must Go On: American Culture in Times of Crisis – lessons by college professors on various historical topics
American Historical Association Perspectives on History: Transitioning to Online Teaching – A How-To Guide – tips for moving online and lessons for US History to 1865 and after 1865
Teaching United States History: Teaching Online – resources specific to US History
Teaching History and Archaeology Online: The Response to a Global Pandemic – links to digital databases, resources, and links to online articles, books, and helpful websites that can be integrated into courses, and students can access themselves from home
Online Teaching: Online Content Using Open-Access Resources – resources for art history curated by faculty member
Humanities Coronavirus Syllabus – collection of books by discipline and examples of syllabi modifications and assignments
Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities – website with faculty show how to teach using digital pedagogy
¡HABLAMOS! Conversations on Teaching, Learning and Bilingualism
(University of Nebraska – Lincoln) – podcasts by faculty
Social Sciences – Anthropology, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology
- Crowdsourced pages
Teaching COVID-19: An Anthropology Syllabus Project – This developing document is designed to collect and share resources for anthropologists and other social scientists teaching about COVID-19
Introducing the Collective Anthro Mini Lectures Project for #COVIDcampus – platform for anthropologists (and those anthropology adjacent) to create and share 10-30 minute videos and accompanying texts and pedagogical resources
Sociology in Strange Times: Short bits to help us understand social behavior during a global pandemic – page containing short lectures on introductory sociology concepts as they may connect to the 2020 global COVID-19 pandemic
“Politics of Plague” Course Materials – webpage of Worcester Polytechnic Institute faculty member
Civic Action Projects for Your 100% Online (COVID-19 ADAPTED) Courses – curated by professor at University of Indiana South Bend
Society for the Teaching of Psychology – resources including syllabi, free e-book, teaching resources
- Tools – laboratory simulations
APA Online Psychology Laboratory – requires login for both faculty and students
STEM – Biology, Chemistry, Ecology/Environmental Science, Geology/Geosciences, Math, Physics
- Tools – software, laboratory simulations
Online science simulations and lab resources divided by discipline and course type – google sheet with 180+ links to websites itemized by discipline
A set of lab simulations from Harvard’s LabXchange – searchable topic areas include biological sciences, chemistry, global health, health sciences, and science & society
A collection of virtual labs from MERLOT – large collection searchable by discipline
A collection of online STEM simulations from PHET (University of Colorado Boulder) – biology, chemistry, earth science, math, and physics
Teacher’s Talk…PhET (University of Windsor) – discussion of how to use PhET
Digital Options for Teaching Tiny Earth Labs and Activities – google document with links to virtual labs
How to Quickly (and Safely) Move a Lab Course Online – Colorado State Faculty member discussion of online labs
Journal of Visualized Experiments (offers thousands of videos of experiments)
HHMI BioInteractive – activities, interactive media, and videos on science practices, anatomy and physiology, evolution, genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology, microbiology, cell biology, ecology, environmental science, and earth science
Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology – short videos on introductory college-level anatomy and physiology topics
Zygote Body 3D Anatomy Online Visualizer – allows students to move through layers of human body
ChemCollective – online chem lab simulations for topics including Stoichiometry, Thermochemistry, Equilibrium, Acid-Base Chemistry, Solubility, Oxidation/Reduction and Electrochemistry, Analytical Chemistry/Lab Techniques
Online Resources for Organic Chemistry – organic chemistry only
Ecology and Environmental Science Materials for Teaching Online – google sheet with numerous resources including lectures, online field techniques, online labs, etc.
Teaching Geosciences Online (Carleton College) – teaching activities for geosciences
Geoscience Online Teaching Resources – google sheet with numerous resources including lectures, online field techniques, online labs, etc.
Physics in Motion – resources for introductory physics course
UCLA ePhysics – contains tables and interactive animations on physics